Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sony Ericsson Is Reported Will Not Produce Anymore Symbian Based Device In The Future

Playastation Phone With Android OS 3.0

Sony Ericsson is reported will not produce anymore Symbian-based device in the future, instead the company will pick on Android as phone operating system for their upcoming products, maybe for their PlayStation Phone (if this is going to be the name)?

“We have no plans for the time being to develop any new products to the Symbian Foundation standard or operating system,” Aldo Liguori, a spokesman for Sony Ericsson, told Bloomberg.

It's not too surprising decision actually, albeit Symbian still be on top as the the world’s best-selling OS (because Nokia is supporting it wholeheartedly) but after the arrival of Android OS, Symbian is starting to look outdated.

However Sony Ericsson didn't completely leave Symbian behind, the company is still listed as the Symbian Foundation member. This is probably an anticipation move taken by them, because keeping their membership means they will receive the upcoming updates versions of Symbian OS in the future, who knows the next ones will perform well on the OS market.

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